Saturday, October 13, 12:30pm
Canyon Theater, 1001 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder, Boulder Public Library
Filmmaker: Thomas A. Morgan
2017, USA, English and Arabic, 72 mins
Speaker: Julia Halaby, Boulder-Nablus Sister City Project member
The 69 year-old Burl El Barajneh refugee camp south of Beirut houses Palestinian, Syrian, and Iraqi refugees. Work and opportunities are scarce. Like many refugees, Mariam Shaar has lived in the camp for her entire life. She organizes a group of women refugees in the camp and asks, “What can we do to improve our situation?” They start a small kitchen using funds from a micro-loan. Buoyed by their success, they start their own catering company (“Soufra”) and launch a Kickstarter campaign to buy the first refugee food truck, which they hope will allow them to expand their business beyond the camp.
Preceded by: The Last Meal: Chef Eric Skokan
Come early and enjoy a sample dish from the Soufra cookbook and other middle eastern noshes before the movie courtesy of Savory Cuisines Catering.